Join us for our first ever VIRTUAL, Halloween Pet Costume Contest,
to benefit Traci's Paws!

UPDATE- Since our costume contest has ended, please join us on Halloween for our 40 minute Zoom Party to announce our winners!
Join us at this link:
We also ask that you continue to visit our Artisan's booths as they will be available through Halloween with some great items for the holidays or just for your every day needs.
Join us for our 8th Annual Halloween Pet Costume Contest, virtual style!
This year we won't get to see you in person, but we WILL get to see you in pictures! We wanted to continue with the tradition of our ghoulishly fun contest and also help give back with giving a virtual artisan marketplace for our prize sponsors at the bottom of our page.
We will ask you to submit your photos so we can add them to this web page. This is home base for all votes! You can share your photo once it is here, and everyone may vote once. Share it to Facebook, in an email or in a text!
Contest runs from Oct. 1-22nd and we will have a short Zoom party with winner announcement on Halloween day.
Although it is not required to donate to enter or to vote for The Traci's Paws', Halloween Pet Costume Contest, we suggest making a $5 donation per photo and per vote to help us continue our work of assisting rescue organizations, shelters and centers, families with pets in the community, and military and veterans for Unleash the Holiday Cheer.
You do not have to live in San Diego to enter, but be in the continental U.S. in order to receive any prizes that must be shipped. We are asking our San Diego prize donors to provide access to gifts that may be used online so you may use them any time, and be anywhere, or to ship any actual items to the winners & runners up!
Prize Sponsors
Artisan Market
Check back every day to see our new prize sponsors for our winners and runners up!
We are SO thankful and appreciative for these amazing small businesses and wanted to provide a Virtual Artisan Market for them.
We hope that you will consider clicking on them to see what they have to offer and shop with them for your pet needs now and any time in the future!
Meet Our Contestants!
How do you vote?
You cast a vote similar to how you like a photo on Instagram, by clicking on the heart! Be careful, once you've clicked and made the heart red, you've voted! If you click the heart twice thinking you've voted twice and it is no longer red, the vote is gone, so be careful! Just click back to make it red again! MAKE SURE THE HEART IS RED! This is a single vote contest, meaning you only vote one time. Double check that your heart is red before you leave!
Single Contestants
Only 1 pet, no parents, no siblings, and no other pets.
Duo Contestants
May be several combinations such as 2 pets, 1 pet and 1 parent, 1 pet and 1 sibling, but only 2 contestants with 1 being the pet.
Family Contestants
May be several combinations of 2 or more pets, parents, and siblings. This clearly must be a larger group than the "Duo" and everyone must be dressed up to be considered when the judges tabulate the votes.
Official Rules:
Traci's Paws' Virtual Halloween Pet Costume Contest begins October 1, 2020 and Ends October 31, 2020. Photo entry and voting period is the same, which is October 1, 2020 - October 22, 2020.
3 Winners and 3 runners up will be announced on October 31, 2020 on a Zoom Winner Announcement. 3 Winners and 3 runners up will receive actual prizes, online gift cards or gift certificates for products from sponsors posted on our website. Gift certificates/gift cards must not have a date of expiration that ends 12 months prior to October 31, 2021, but may extend to a later date.
Traci's Paws will send 3 winners & 3 runners up a prize box in addition to prizes from contest sponsors.
Although it is not required to donate to enter or vote for The Traci's Paws', Halloween Pet Costume Contest, we suggest making a $5 donation per entry to help us continue our work of assisting rescue organizations, shelters and centers, families with pets in the community, and military and veterans for Unleash the Holiday Cheer.
You do not have to live in San Diego to enter, but be in continental U.S. in order to receive any prizes that must be shipped. We are asking our San Diego prize donors to provide access to gifts that may be used online so you may use them any time, and be anywhere.
Contestants will be judged based on votes received from peers and general public. Only will judges be needed if there is a tie or to intervene or to decide if there is an issue of mistreatment of pet in photo, or if the photo if not authentic, etc...Photos should be of you, your family, and your pets only.
Costume contest means wearing a costume, not a photoshopped likeness of a costume.